The February meeting took place in the parish rooms Higher Walton on February 21.

The meeting was very well attended and began as usual with an introduction and welcome from our president followed by the reading of last month's minutes Copies of Cheshire News were handed out and diary dates discussed. Many of our members showed interest in visiting a garden with a difference in Great Budworth, Cheshire.

There followed an evening with Rima Tillinger who entertained us with her views on the differences between her native America and the UK where she has lived for the past 20 years.

Her observations were often very funny.

She shared her amazement, 20 years ago, when, at the end of a grocery shopping experience, she encountered the blank looks from the shop assistant as she waited for her bags to be packed!

The other side of the coin was her admiration for The National Trust, our newspapers, architecture and other things.

The next meeting is on March 21 and will be A Floral Odyssey with Pamela Ingham.

The competition is a specimen of a single spring flower and the sales table will be toiletries.