THE first meeting of 2007 was held at Appleton Parish Hall.

Audrey Unsworth chairman of the club welcomed members old and new and a short AGM was held.

The demonstrator for the evening was Don Billingham, from Maghull, with a demonstration entitled World In One City. This comprised of a series of arrangements with a theme on the historic city of Liverpool and as Don was quick to remind us, also named the City of Culture 2008.

With his typically Liverpudlian sense of humour, he kept the hall rocking with laughter throughout the evening.

By the end of the evening the stage was filled with an array of bold arrangements of mixed foliage with a dramatic splash of blooms, each in a single colour depicting one particular aspect of Liverpool.

Even those of us not in the flower arranging fraternity thoroughly enjoyed his commentary on the varieties of materials used and his comical view of life.

The club meets at Appleton Parish Hall, Dudlow Green Road, Appleton on the first Tuesday of each month.

New members and visitors are welcome to come to our meetings.