On a very cold and unpleasant evening, a smaller number than usual had an unexpected treat.

Our booked speaker had cancelled, but instead we were introduced to the work of a medical herbalist.

Natalia Kirkham practises in Stockton Heath. She works at what, in years gone by, would have been the province of the Wise Woman' of the village. Today, a three-year degree course in herbal medicine is required before you can prescribe treatment for clients.

Too often herbal remedies are regarded as the last option when all else has failed. But as Natalia spoke, we realised that a lot of the remedies she mentioned were things we had been using ourselves all our lives. For instance the use of a dock leaf to rub on a nettle sting is the most simple example, but there were many others.

During our business, we were urged to offer our services as stewards at the Cheshire Show, in both exhibition and refreshment areas.

£30 has so far been raised towards Burundi bears. Our delegate to the Winsford meeting is to be Margaret Sharp.

Gwen Atherton has been back into hospital for a further operation, this time in London, we send her our good wishes for a speedy recovery.

Our activities - walks, craft meetings and so on, will all get going again now that winter is on its way out, and we are looking forward to taking part in outings.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.