PEOPLE power is hoping it can win the day when it comes to a major decision about the future of the town.

Two public meetings have been organised for next week in a bid to mobilise opposition for the proposed health waste incinerator off Winwick Road.

The meetings will give residents who live closest to the proposed site the chance to come up with a game plan' before a public inquiry begins the following week.

And councillors from those wards directly affected, Mike and Kate Hannon and Pat Wright, are encouraging residents to attend.

The meetings, tomorrow, Tuesday, at 6pm for 6.30pm at St Margaret's Church Hall, on School Road, Orford, and Wednesday, March 21, at the same time in St Mark's Church Hall, on Longshaw Street, will be used to brief residents on the procedure of the four-day inquiry, which starts on March 27.

Mike Hannon said: "If enough people show up at the start of the inquiry and throughout it and can show the inspector the strength of feeling against it then we can't be ignored.

"The town's Primary Care Trust has raised its own concerns about the cost to the NHS if it goes ahead - people's perception of the plant will cause more anxiety and stress. It may be a good idea but not in this part of the community. This is not a NIMBY attitude; it's just not a suitable site.

"This is no longer an industrial area; you've got the £32 million Orford Project taking shape, the new college and the stadium just up the road.

"The idea behind the meetings is to get as many people as possible together so we can organise a series of peaceful demonstrations on each day of the inquiry and to make sure we have people ready to attend and speak up."