Our president, Freda Matthewson, welcomed 39 members and two visitors to our February meeting, held in the rather cramped but cosy Clubhouse bar area, due to the large room being occupied.

Dorothy Platt was thanked for the lovely spring flower basket arrangement for the president's table. The arrangement was later added to the raffle.

Our delegate for the March Winsford council meeting will be Dorothy Franklin, taking two new members as visitors.

The resolution relating to food purchase was discussed and delegates advised to vote for this resolution on our behalf.

Details of two forthcoming outings to Anglesey and a matinee performance by Patricia Routledge at the Lowry Centre were given.

Lyn Jennings told us of her recent visit to New Zealand and meeting WI members.

The speaker, Donald Lodge, gave a fascinating talk relating to his early training in catering which led to hotel and restaurant work and eventually travelling to Canada. While there, he had several jobs as butler to ambassador households with busy entertaining schedules.

The vote of thanks was given by Dorothy Platt. Competition results were 1 L Jennings, 2 J Candy, 3 V Pritchard.

The next meeting is today, Thursday, 2.15pm at Community Centre, Bellhouse Lane, and will feature Frank Bonjer Beside the Seaside. The competition is a seashell. Visitors are welcome.