A PROJECT that could give new life to the people of Lymm is being discussed.

Lymm could become the first parish council in Warrington to develop its own parish plan.

And according to advocates, this will lead to a wide range of benefits from winning grants to encouraging more people to play a part in shaping the village for the future.

Bron Kerrigan, from Cheshire Community Council, told parish councillors that by setting up a plan, the village would be able to plunder various groups for cash grants.

Asteering group has been set up to look at the scheme at the recent Lymm Community Fair.

Clr Bob Barr, deputy chairman of the parish council, said he was excited by the scheme.

He added: "This would contribute to planning guidance and give residents a bigger say in how the village develops."

Ms Kerrigan said grants would cover three quarters of the cost of setting up the plan and told the meeting of some of the success stories elsewhere in Cheshire.

She added: "We have seen the plans make improvements in tiny villages and also in bigger places."

Projects have ranged from new footpaths to starting heritage days.

There is currently funding to provide one parish plan in Warrington after dozens have already been established elsewhere in the county.

Anyone interested in being involved should contact Clr Barr on 751817.