THE bid to bring a new theatre to Warrington has received a double boost this week.

Campaigners are hoping to raise funds for a new venue in the borough - possibly on the current site of Mr Smith's nightclub.

And this week the old venue welcomed back' two of its most distinguished guests.

A Laurel and Hardy tribute act went to Mr Smith's while attending the town for an event at Warrington Market.

The real Stan and Ollie visited the venue, then called the Ritz, during their British music hall tour of 1952. Although the world famous film comedians didn't perform at the Warrington theatre, they popped in to promote performances in Liverpool and Southport.

Meanwhile, campaigners have launched an innovative scheme to help raise funds for the project. The T4W (Theatre for Warrington) organisers want to create a special mural at the new theatre, with sponsors paying for stars bearing their name covering the T4W logo.

A spokesman said: "Imagine a surreal voyage from the home of the musical stars, New York, via the Hudson River - across the wide Atlantic, then along the Mersey to Warrington's very own Bridge Foot!"

Organisers want star sponsors - £10 for each 10 miles of the visit. And in return, they will have a personalised star placed on a plaque at the new theatre.

Megastar sponsors can pay £100 for the same 10 miles.

To sponsor, send a cheque along with an application form to: OPF, The Gateway, Sankey Street, Warrington WA1 1SR (Write name on reverse of cheque.) The theatre group has become frustrated at the facilities and costs of using the Parr Hall and many groups, such as Centenary and CODYS, now use The Brindley theatre in Runcorn.