A DOCTOR who worked at Warrington Hospital has denied carrying out unnecessary and indecent' examinations on two female patients.

Dr Shakir Hasan Laher, is the subject of a General Medical Council hearing - expected to last 12 days - to decide whether he is fit to continue practising as a doctor.

On Tuesday, the hearing heard a claim that Dr Laher performed an unnecessary breast examination on a patient suffering from severe gynaecological problems.

The woman, named as Patient A, told the hearing: "I was so scared. I looked out of the window and just wanted it to be over."

Sarah Campbell, representing the GMC, told the panel that Patient A had been admitted on numerous occasions to the A&E department at Warrington Hospital, complaining of severe abdominal pain and menstrual bleeding.

On January 27, 2004, Patient A attended the department with similar symptoms.

While she was being treated, Dr Laher, a senior house officer in obstetrics and gynaecology, arrived at her room.

Miss Campbell said the doctor locked the door and, without asking for a nurse to be present, told her he was going to conduct a breast examination. Patient A lifted her top and the doctor is alleged to have touched her.

The hearing was told of another alleged touching incident related to an unnecessary' internal examination.

Dr Laher is also accused of rubbing Patient A's thigh while administering a pain killing injection.

Another young female patient had also complained about Dr Laher while he was working as a locum at the Countess of Chester Hospital in Chester.

The case continues.