I'm under 12 stone!

I had my weigh-in this morning...stepped on the scales and I'd only lost 1 lb, gutted! I've lived on cardboard all week and done exercise most nights and still only lost a lb. Chris on the other hand has drank tons, had chips & chocolate cake but still managed to lose a lb.

After sitting at my desk depressed, I had an idea...I ran up and down the stairs a few times and then nipped to the loo for a wee...came back and weighed myself again...I'd now lost 2lbs!!! I'll obviously take the 2nd weigh-in and for those that think I'm cheating, I'll let Chris have a 2nd weigh-in this morning if he wants.

I'm now 11 stone 13lb which I'm ecstatic about, but I'm going to have to step it up a notch for next week as Chris seems to have got this diet lark sussed.