IN 2016, Warrington homeowners could be feeling the squeeze.

According to Warrington Borough Council's Housing Land Report 2006, the town could have an oversupply of houses equivalent to 14 years worth.

The report was highlighted in a recent appeal decision by a Government inspector.

The appeal was by Watkins Jones for a high-rise development in Howley Quay. It was turned down due to substantial over-supply of housing in Warrington'.

Clr Shelia Woodyatt (Con - Lymm) has spent time campaigning against many housing developments.

She said: "It shows that Warrington is becoming over-developed. It is particularly obvious in outlying areas. So many of developments that we have got coming through now are apartments when what we need are genuinely affordable homes."

Cllr Woodyatt added: "The council is developing an affordable housing strategy that will hopefully help to solve some of the problems we have got."