LYMM Parish Council has been accused of opposing every planning application' and holding up the village's development.

Developer Mohammad Waheed spoke out after plans to build shops and apartments near the historic cross in the village centre were turned down.

"The parish council needs to have a vision as to how it would like to see the village develop and then pursue and stand by that vision," said the 52-year-old Lymm resident.

"They are just tearing the heart out of the village. We need revitalisation and not stagnation. Investment into the village should be encouraged not discouraged.

"I was disappointed, but not surprised that planning was refused."

The Pepper Street plan was opposed by the parish council and was recently refused by the planning committee.

Mr Waheed said: "Opposing every application as the parish council do, is leading to an ad hoc development of the village, without any planning for its infrastructure, especially parking and traffic."

Mr Waheed also repeated to the Warrington Guardian two allegations that he made at the committee.

He said Lymm Clrs Ian Marks and Shelia Woodyatt initially supported the scheme, and that planning committee Clr Bob Barr had sat in on a discussion at the parish council - raising the prospect of a conflict of interest.

All the councillors have denied the allegations. Clr Woodyatt said the idea she ever supported the scheme was balderdash'.