AN Afghan man has been cleared of racially assaulting another Muslim from a different sect.

Noorylay Haskemkil was alleged to have grabbed neighbour Abdul Mansor by the lapels and shoved him against a wall outside his flat in Alder Lane, Orford.

Mr Haskemkil was alleged to have said: "I hate you because you are a Shi'ite, you are a Persian an Iranian.

"I will put a scar on your face such that even your girlfriend won't recognise you. I will burn your flat and your car."

But the defendant was cleared by a jury at Warrington Crown Court on Friday.

He admitted going to the flat after receiving silent phone calls allegedly encouraged by Mr Mansor, but denied using any violence.

A doctor said it would have been very painful for him to carry out the attack because of injuries suffered in a beating administered by the Taleban and a muscle wasting disease that affects his left leg.