A NURSERY worker has dropped her child pornography appeal after finding out her sentence could be extended if she lost.

Rachel McAlley was given an 18-month community order after showing workmates a mobile phone clip of children apparently being forced to engage in a sex act.

The 21-year-old's appeal was due to be heard at Warrington Crown Court on Friday but she asked for it to be abandoned.

Her barrister, Elizabeth Brennan, told the court: "Our conference today was the first time she was made aware of the powers the court has to interfere with her sentence."

The prosecution asked for more than £300 costs but Judge Nicholas Woodward decided not to maker her pay after hearing McAlley was on £37-a-week benefits.

The solicitor for McAlley, from Tasman Close, in Old Hall, told the sentencing magistrate trial she did not realise the extent of the images on the clip and only showed it to one person before realising it caused offence.

After the case she was fired from her job at Busy Nought to Fives Nursery, in Barrowhall Lane, Great Sankey, where her two-year-old daughter was enrolled.

She lost a part time job with Scottish Power and was thrown off a college course where she was studying to be a beautician.