ALLEGATIONS of corruption among staff were circulating at a prison where four officers, including a Birchwood man, are charged after the death of a prisoner, a jury heard.

The rumours were circulating at HMP Rye Hill, near Northampton.

Four prison guards are on trial after the death of drug dealer Michael Bailey, aged 23, who hanged himself in his segregation unit cell in March 2005.

The guards include Paul Smith, aged 39, of Barham Court, in Birchwood. He denies a charge of manslaughter by gross negligence in the trial at Northampton Crown Court.

Bailey, who was moved to isolation after trying to coerce a guard into smuggling in drugs, made allegations to senior prison staff of corruption and drug smuggling by officers.

Steve Hepworth, the duty director, admitted to the trial a third of staff had only been in their roles for less than six months and previously complained of a lack of support.

He accepted claims by the barrister for Smith that Bailey had passed on sensitive information' about corruption in the prison.

"Information which, if true, would implicate prison officers in criminal conduct," said the barrister. "To that extent he was vulnerable, wasn't he?"

Mr Hepworth replied: "He would be if that information had got out, yes."

The trial continues.