A DRUNK armed himself with an axe and a fake gun for protection' after a row at a house party, a court heard on Thursday.

Andrew Lee Egerton, aged 24, was caught stuffing an imitation Magnum Desert Eagle into the waistband of his trousers by police.

Warrington Magistrates' Court heard he told officers: "I was scared to leave the house. Some lads are looking for me. It's for protection."

John Shipley, prosecuting, said Egerton had been with his girlfriend at a party in Poplars Avenue on November 25 when he began to feel uncomfortable about the behaviour of several men towards him.

He left early and returned to his girlfriend's, but when she came back they rowed and she kicked him out.

"He was forcibly pushed out of the house by her and she pushed them (the weapons) into his hands," Mr Shipley said.

"He realised he shouldn't have been carrying them and tried to get into a friend's house a few doors down but they wouldn't let him in."

He was arrested and searched when officers, answering reports of a disturbance, saw him in the front garden trying to hide the weapons.

"There was no intention to cause specific harm to any specific person. It was purely for defence," said John Barnes, defending."

Egerton, a barman, pleaded guilty to possessing an imitation firearm and an offensive weapon in public.

He was bailed to appear again on April 2 pending probation reports.