THE Leader of the House of Commons is the latest figure to be drawn into the row over the questionable behaviour of a Woolston-based company.

Jack Straw MP became involved when the boss of Dreams Plc, Mike Clare, criticised Warrington north MP Helen Jones for raising the complaints of her constituents at Business Questions in the House.

He accused her of badgering and intimidating' the firm.

The MP became involved in the row when constituents contacted her to complain that the company had removed numerous trees at its Woolston site.

But Mrs Jones won the backing of Jack Straw who said: "I congratulate her on doing her duty by her constituents and I hope that Mr Mike Clare considers the perils of calling the privilege of Members of Parliament into question."

In a letter to the MP, Dreams Plc chief executive Mike Clare admits that the company threatened to paint the building pink and suggests that Mrs Jones should not be pursuing the issue which has been brought to her attention by a one sided petition'.

He goes on to say: "The local council is in danger of becoming vindictive and using every petty rule, regulation and law they can scrape the barrel with to thwart us."

He adds that she is "acting unfairly, vindictively and pressurising" the company.

Mrs Jones said: "I am astounded that a company should seek to address the legitimate concerns of local people in such a cavalier way.

"Far from me intimidating Dreams Plc, I think Mr Clare's letter to me is an attempt to bully and intimidate me out of pursing the matter.

"The day big business secures a veto on what MPs can raise will be a very sad day for democracy indeed.

"I can assure Mr Clare that I will not be put off from representing my constituents by his aggressive, threatening tone."