President Gillian Fuller welcomed a large number of members and also six visitors to the February meeting. The plant arrangement provided by Eve Miles will be sent to Diane Hayley. Last month's speaker, David Marsden, donated his speaker's fee to Cancer Research.

The monthly walk, which was supposed to be around Peover, was changed to a walk around Tatton due to gale force winds and the danger of falling trees.

We arrived at the café in Tatton Park to find it closed due to no electricity, although they did manage to provide us with hot drinks.

A coach-load of members visited The Garrick Theatre in Altrincham to see Witness for the Prosecution which was enjoyed by all.

The Handicraft Group has been revitalised under the direction of Elizabeth Wilkinson and, at our first meeting, 28 women attended. Meetings will be held fortnightly and a programme of activities has been drawn up.

The speaker for the evening was Joy Wilcox from the Manchester branch of The Elizabeth Svendsen Trust for Children and Donkeys. She gave a very enthusiastic talk about the work of the trust and also the donkey sanctuary in Sidmouth. The aim is to provide donkey-riding therapy to children with special needs and disabilities.

The competition winners were 1: Iris Edmunds; 2: Angela Meakin; 3: Connie Unsworth. Tel. Pat Parker on 754551 for more information about the group.