A MEETING of Newchurch WI was held in Newchurch Parish Hall, Culcheth, on February 14.

Being Valentine's Day, the hall was decorated with red hearts and cakes with chocolate hearts were served in the tea interval.

The president, Sylvia Brown, welcomed a full meeting, including a guest and four new members. Aileen Paterson provided the flowers, which she donated to the raffle and the tea hostesses were Betty Shaw and Joan MacDougal.

Dates for diaries: April 24, trip to Conwy and April 25, Group meeting.

The speaker gave a demonstration and was thanked by Irene Bromilow.

The winner of the competition for a fruit dessert recipe was Irene Bromilow with Paddy Poulter and Pat Padley coming second and third.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, at 7.30pm, in Newchurch Parish Hall when there will be a talk by John and Margaret Sixsmith on Australian Adventures'. All are welcome, further information from Jean Rileyh on 01925 762722.