NOT long ago little Lilly could only manage a few lengths, but now she is preparing to swim a mile.

Seven-year-old Lilly Thompson, of Ellesmere Road, Stockton Heath, will take the plunge on March 25 by swimming a massive 64 lengths in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Lilly said: "I'm looking forward to the swim, but it is a very long way.

"The money will help people with cancer."

The imminent challenge shows the Broomfields Junior pupil has come a long way because 18 months ago the furthest she could swim was two lengths of the pool.

Her mum Jenny said: "She has done very well. The Marie Curie swim challenge is actually 1.5km, which is 60 lengths, but Lilly is determined to do an extra four to complete a mile."

So far, Lilly has raised £80 in sponsorship cash but would like to reach £100 in the coming weeks.

The avid swimmer now takes to the pool twice a week with a lesson on Wednesday and swimming club every Friday both at Brookvale Leisure Centre in Runcorn.

The swimming marathon will also take place at the Halton pool.

Last year, the Marie Curie swimathon raised £1.5 million and organisers hope 2007 will be an even bigger success.

The national challenge will take place in 500 swimming pools up and down the country between March 22 and 25.

Anyone wishing to sponsor Lilly can do so by calling 483658.