RESIDENTS in Dallam have been reassured after a promised £66,000 to improve playing fields seemed to have "disappeared" from this year's council budget.

The scheme, to revitalise the changing rooms at the Longshaw Street playing fields, was given the green light last year.

But councillors feared the money had disappeared from the budget.

Speaking at last Monday's full council meeting, Clr Pat Wright (Lab - Bewsey and Whitecross) said she was dismayed.

She added: "I made sure this was in the budget but now it has gone. I just cannot understand why it has been taken out. There is money in the same budget to develop Lymm Library but nothing for Dallam."

At the time, finance chief Clr Peter Walker (LD - Hatton) was unable to clear up what has happened to the promised thousands.

The changing rooms are so bad that one away team from Blackpool recently refused to play a match their because of the poor quality of the facilities.

More than 200 footballers regularly use the pitches but a temporary generator is needed to power up the shabby changing areas.

Clr Wright said: "This is such a well used, community facility that we need some investment to improve it for the people and youngsters that use it."

However, the council has since confirmed that, while work still had not started on the playing fields, the money was still in the budget.

It hopes to have plans finalised within the next few months.