HAVING a baby is a life-changing experience which is unique to each mum-to-be. But here in the north west women will soon be able to access the services of an equally unique centre.

Born At Home, the Holistic Birthing Centre in conjunction with the Holistic Counselling Centre in Northwich, is one of two independent birth centres in the country to offer a range of holistic therapies that complement midwifery care and enhance the whole birth experience - from pre-conception to the postnatal period.

Based in a tranquil Victorian building in Darwin Street, the centre boasts four birthing rooms - each with its own birthing pool and en-suite facilities - and aims to open its doors at the end of April.

Whether you're thinking of a water birth, active birth, hypnobirth, home birth or supported hospital birth, the centre's midwives and holistic practioners are there to help.

Think ambient music and lighting, a sofa bed and even beanbags and birth balls to help make childbirth that little bit more comfortable.

Of course it does come at a price - care packages are available from £2,500 - but according to Tracy Thomas, a director and midwife at the centre, it is a very special lifetime investment'.

"The midwives and therapists at the Holistic Birthing Centre all feel passionately that birth is a natural process and should be treated as such," she said.

"Some clients may have had a nasty first birth experience or they may want to have a normal vaginal delivery following a caesarean section and we help them fulfil these wishes. We want our clients to feel in control."

Investing in a holistic centre midwife means pregnant women have a continuity of care that the NHS cannot provide due to staff shortages and lack of resources despite the many fantastic NHS midwives trying their best', said Tracy.

She added: "Many mums booked into hospital for the birth of their baby may well have met their midwife for the first time when they were delivered.

"In our case, each of our midwives manages her own caseload of clients and knows them personally.

"We work not only with the mums but dads, friends, grandmas and other members of the family. We build up a close and trusting relationship."

As well homeopathy and a wide range of counselling services, the centre also offers life coaching, reiki, reflexology, aromatherapy and massage.

But this is just the beginning for the centre and there are further plans for classes in yoga for pregnancy, baby yoga, baby massage, family planning services, active birth and practical parenting workshops.

Tracy feels the centre is the way forward for pregnant women and their families, and it's a view that's supported by Viv Charnley, the centre's other director, practising midwife and fully qualified counsellor.

She told Limited Edition: "For me, practising midwifery is about being in touch with life. Being able to provide care to women in an holistic, natural way has been, and continues to be, a real privilege.

"Having a baby is an amazing journey and can be one of the most fulfilling and liberating experiences a woman ever has.

"My aim is to simply be with women, to encourage them to trust and believe in themselves and in their innate ability to birth their babies."

n For more information visit www.holisticbirthingcentre.co.uk or ring 01606 871770.