EASTERN politics was the topic of discussion for the European Union of Women (EUW) when a Russian speaker paid a special visit to Weaverham.

The high profile event was organised by the mid Cheshire branch of the EUW and saw more than 120 members and guests, including sixth form students from the Grange School in Hartford, gather at The Oaklands hotel.

Speaker at the event was Ludmilla Selezneva, professor of history and politics at Moscow University, who gave two extensive talks entitled The Changing Face of Russia.

This included the absolute rule of the Tsars, the communist revolution of 1917, Russia's foreign policy and military and space programmes during the Cold War, the break up of the USSR in 1991 under President Yeltsin and the importance of the oil and gas industries under President Putin.

Professor Selezneva was probed by the inquisitive audience and answered many questions about the position of women, the place of religion, the media and the future direction of Russia.

For more information on the EUW, call 01270 528487.