A PRISON officer has gone on trial after an inmate killed himself on suicide watch.

Paul Smith, aged 39, from Birchwood, is one of four prison guards accused over the death of mentally ill Michael Bailey, aged 23 .

Smith, together with colleagues Daniel Daymond, aged 23, and Samantha Prime, aged 29, at HMP Rye Hill near Northampton are charged with manslaughter by gross negligence in connection to the prisoner's death in March 2005.

Ben King, another prison officer, is accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

All deny the charges.

Northampton Crown Court heard that Bailey, who was serving four years for possession of cocaine, hanged himself with his shoelace while in a segregation unit at the privately run prison.

The jury was told that Bailey's mental state deteriorated rapidly, leading up to his death but these signs were not acted upon.

Rachel Brand QC, prosecuting, said: "For several days, Mr Bailey had been behaving oddly and saying very strange things.

"He had been showing clear signs of mental disturbance, he was saying things like I'm ready to be baptised, get me the chaplain, I'm ready to die."

Bailey was put on suicide watch in the segregation unit where he was meant to be observed by officers six times each hour.

The trial continues.