CAR parking is still the long-term problem at Bank Quay train station, says Brian Simpson, head of the North West Rail Campaign.

Renewal work begins to the interior of the station this week, which Mr Simpson welcomes - but he says the car park is still the main concern.

The station has 80 spaces - but Network Rail has found it will need another 100 in five years time.

"I think that's a conservative estimate," said Mr Simpson, who is also a Euro-MP who specialises in transport. "I think we need about another 150."

Mr Simpson has a meeting with Network Rail and station owners Virgin Trains on Friday, March 9, where the carpark's future will be discussed.

One option is terracing it to provide another level of parking - but getting planning permission might prove difficult if residents object.

Virgin Trains is currently spending £50,000 on the ticketing office and catering areas at the station.

The work is being carried out in advance of under-discussion plans to improve the frontage.

The March 9 meeting will discuss those plans - Warrington Borough Council has committed £150,000-200,000 towards improving the frontage, though works are not due to start soon.

Helen Southworth MP, for Warrington South, will also be at the meeting and pushing to see if the rail lines can be shifted to drive down the cost of a potential Bridge Foot bypass.