EVERYBODY needs good neighbours.

That is the message from Warrington Police as they call on community-minded people in Burtonwood, Westbrook, Kingswood, Callands and Winwick to help improve their area.

David Brownlee is a police Community Support Officer based at Sankey Police Station.

A CSO for three and a half years, he is launching a new Home Watch Scheme in the district, known by the police as Warrington West.

He said: "Being a good neighbour means being a considerate neighbour.

"With your help we can significantly help to reduce the risk of crime and disorder and that's why I am looking for Home Watch co-ordinators in your area."

The role is voluntary and the co-ordinators are asked to give their free time for the good of the community.

The community watch scheme co-ordinators will act as a communications link with police and CSOs, collecting and disseminating intelligence to the police and other association scheme members.

Their job is to: * Encourage participation and welcome new residents to the area.

* Encourage members to report suspicious activity and hold regular meetings.

* Build the community and promote good citizenship.

* Look after their neighbours, especially the vulnerable.

* Keep an up to date list of scheme members.

* Promote good crime prevention initiatives and adopt good practices where advised.

* Encourage crime prevention initiatives.

If you are interested in being a Home Watch co-ordinator, write or e-mail CSO 7168 David Brownlee at Great Sankey Police Station, 382 Liverpool Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1RG or david.brownlee@cheshire.pnn.police.uk