WE started 2007 in grand style with a theatre trip to see Mamma Mia in Manchester and what wonderful memories the music brought to each of us.

Our tradition for the January meeting is to go out as a group to dinner and 14 members enjoyed the evening at the Walton Arms.

The February meeting was a lively one, planning exhibits for the Cheshire Show, selecting our team for the county quiz and discussing a resolution at length.

Members also voted unanimously to make our institute a Fair Trade' group as far as we possibly can.

Tickets for the Mosslands Spring group meeting were on sale and, as this is always a very enjoyable evening, the tickets were soon gone.

Our next meeting is a talk on Healing with Crystals by Margaret Isherwood. For further information, call Margaret on 822881.

We are always glad to welcome ladies to our meeting which take place on the second Wednesday of each month.