IT is great seeing new investments come into the town centre, especially with the rejuvenation of Time Square.

However all the new investments seem to be for food and drink establishments.

How many bars does Warrington town centre need?

How many trendy new ‘eateries’ with a gimmick can one place hold?

Yes, Time Square now looks lovely and well-maintained – but what about the rest of the town centre? Walking through Golden Square is depressing, with shutters down on so many of the stores that used to be packed with shoppers.

Head into town on a Saturday morning, and the shopping centre is still packed – but our only options are big chain stores that have survived the pandemic, or a host of coffee shops.

I enjoy coffee as much as the next person, but I won’t be heading into town for it.

With the pandemic putting so much pressure on local businesses, we should be trying to back our high streets, rather than shop for everything online.

Yes, online is easier, but nothing beats wandering around a shopping centre until you find the right item. Unfortunately, that’s now a thing of the past. Shops are abandoning the centre of town in favour of moving to the retail parks on Riverside, Junction 9 and Gemini.

So what’s left in the town centre? Restaurants, bars, restaurants, pubs, coffee shops, bars. It’s all the same.

I used to look forward to heading into the centre of town for my Christmas shopping, but now all I can buy there is a coffee or a hotdog at the ‘Christmas Market’. Bah humbug.



WHAT a pleasure it was to venture into the town centre at the weekend to see the festivities that had been put on.

Yes times are hard and books need to be balanced, but we need a bit of festive cheer more than ever and our family all loved seeing the Town Hall lit up.

Well done to those involved.

