THREE men who robbed a taxi driver with a screwdriver for £100 have each been jailed for three years.

David Massey, aged 24, of Statham Avenue, Orford, Greg Taylor, aged 21, of Brook Street, Orford, and Mark Sherlock, aged 28, of James Lee House, Brick Street, were sentenced at Warrington Crown Court on Friday for their part in the attack in September.

Each had admitted attacking Michael Judge at a cashpoint at Sainsbury’s around midnight on September 1.

The court heard the three had watched Mr Judge pull up to a cashpoint in his taxi and get out.

Taylor admitted sticking a screwdriver into the victim’s back and demanding cash. The court was told one of the others then shouted ‘I have a knife’ when he refused – although none was found.

They stole £100 from him and his phone and Taylor took the car keys before throwing them on the floor and running off.

Judge Nicholas Woodward said Mr Judge felt ‘violated and shaken’ following the robbery.

Both Taylor and Massey were on bail for other crimes and had a string of previous convictions. Sherlock had none.

Nova Howarth, defending Taylor and Massey, said both had drink problems and added that Taylor was ‘quite an admirable young man’ when he didn’t drink but turned into an unacceptable member of society when he did.

She said Massey wanted to support his son who lives with her grandmother and wanted a lenient sentence.

Charles Lander, defending Sherlock, said his client pleaded at the earliest opportunity and had no previous convictions.

Judge Woodward said this was a joint offence and they would all be treated similarly.

He added: “This was a very serious robbery and I see no reason to distinguish between you.”