A KIND-HEARTED woman, who launched a charity in memory of her two friends, will take on a gruelling 481 mile bike ride in South Africa to raise money to help vulnerable youngsters.

Eleanor Jones, from Stockton Heath, wanted to remember her two friends, Candice Roberts and David Wright, by celebrating one of their biggest loves, music, so she set up the charity, C&D Where the music takes you.

The charity, which was launched in May, holds workshops within the community using music as a form of therapy acting as an emotional outlet for vulnerable youngsters.

The 33-year-old said: “Candice contracted Guillain–Barré syndrome and died on her 26th birthday and David had diabetes and slipped into a coma when he was 28 and died.

“Candice was a music teacher and David was a DJ. Music was such a big of part of their lives so setting up the charity seemed like a lovely way to remember them both.”

Eleanor has always wanted to volunteer since she was a little girl and loved hearing her mother’s volunteering stories from Romania.

“I have always wanted to try and give back where I can and by setting up the charity I can do just that,” said Eleanor.

The 33-year-old will travel to South Africa on September 25 to take part in the Global Volunteers Network Cycle Challenge where she will cycle more than 400 miles from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town.

“I will be cycling around 75 miles a day so I know it’s going to be a challenge.”

Eleanor hopes to one day move the charity to Africa where she will continue the incredible work she has already started.

After the charity cycle, Eleanor will spend some time in Johannesburg to help support the Kliptown Youth Programme, which provides education and activities to the children of Kliptown.

Eleanor has also organised a number of charity fundraisers including a family fun day on August 31 at her mother’s house and a charity auction at The Cotton Mill on September 3 at 7pm.

Visit gofundme.com/3toccg or call 07854 289470.